Immigration | Criminal Defense & Traffic | Estate Planning
Schmidt Law, LLC is an immigration law firm located in Columbus, Ohio that represents clients throughout Ohio, all contiguous states, and internationally. At Schmidt Law, a wide range of immigration matters is handled such as citizenship applications, fiancé and student visas, U-Visa petitions, travel documents, Global Entry applications, waivers of inadmissibility, and employment-based immigration cases. We also offer estate planning including, but not limited to, revocable living trust and will creation. Legal services are offered in multiple languages, and every case is given personalized attention. We recognize that each client is unique, which is why we take the time to get to know each case thoroughly in order to be successful.
Se Habla Español. Мы говорим по-русски.

Where You Need to Be
Schmidt Law, LLC is a new kind of law firm for a changing world. We are consistent, patient and professional, giving each new case the attention it deserves. An integral part of our services is to work closely with our clients so that they can make the right decisions with respect to their legal needs.

Our seasoned attorney possesses the drive and determination it takes to succeed. Coupled with experience and a diverse background of practice areas, Schmidt Law, LLC can ensure that your legal needs will be handled with care and professionalism. Please see our areas of practice, and call today.

As a student in International and Comparative Politics, with a minor in International Law, at the American University of Paris, Attorney Katarina Schmidt was inspired by the political science classes, but it is because of her mother, who moved to the United States (U.S.) many years ago to marry her father, that she chose to pursue immigration law. Attorney Schmidt feels very fortunate to have been born in this country while still having been exposed to a multitude of cultures and languages. This aspect of her life has opened many doors. As such, she feels obligated to assist others in uniting with their families, studying abroad, or pursuing global employment opportunities. When she gets involved in a case, she strives to help clients successfully resolve matters as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Attorney Katarina Schmidt has traveled worldwide and speaks several languages, which positions her to be an international ambassador for immigration law and multicultural interests. As a law student, she completed her externship at Bradley & Associates Immigration Law, and worked in the Immigration Law Clinic. That experience, combined with her current position, has prepared her to guide non-nationals through the immigration process. She is particularly interested in attracting foreign investors who would like to pursue business opportunities in the U.S. Attorney Schmidt can assist you in acquiring an appropriate investor’s visa and with other immigration-related services in connection with lawfully entering and remaining in the U.S. At Schmidt Law, the following immigration services are offered:
Adjustment of Status (I-485)
Citizenship (N-400)
Consular Processing
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - DACA
Fiancée Visa (K-visa)
Foreign Professionals and Specialty Occupations Visas (H1-B)
Green Cards
Investor Green Cards (EB-5)
Investor Visas (EB-2)
Petition to Remove Conditions on Permanent Residence (I-751)
Petitions for Alien Relatives (I-130)
Temporary Protected Status - TPS
Visas for Victims of Violent Crimes (U-visa)
Waiver (I-601A)
Work Permits (I-765)
In addition to this, at Schmidt Law, LLC, we handle estate planning including revocable living trust and will creation.
En la firma de Schmidt Law, nos especializamos en tramitar los casos de inmigración y estamos comprometidos en ayudar a la gente y buscar la mejor condición para conseguir la vida que ofrece este gran país. Las leyes de inmigración de los Estados Unidos pueden ser complicadas y el proceso largo, por eso hacemos lo mejor para nuestros clientes y sus familias. Nuestra practica ofrece los siguientes servicios a nuestros clientes:
Consideración de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA)
Estatus de Protección Temporal
Peticiones de parientes extranjeros (I-130)
Petición para Cancelar las Condiciones de Residencia (I-751)
Proceso consular
Perdón de tiempo presente ilegalmente (I-601A)
Permisos de trabajo (I-765)
Solicitudes de ciudadanía (N-400)
Renovaciones de residentes permanentes legales (Green Card o tarjeta verde)
Visas para inversionistas y comerciantes (EB-5 visa)
Visas de ocupación profesional y especialidad (H-1B visa)
Visas de prometidos (K-visa)
Visas de ejecutivos (L-1A visa)
Visas para víctimas de crimen (U-visa)
Ajusto de status (I-485)
En la firma de Schmidt Law, LLC, también podemos ayudarle con la planificación de los bienes (testamentos y otros planes de administración).
Schmidt Law, LLC, предоставляет услуги по всем иммиграционным вопросам:
-Грин Карты
-Иммиграционные и неиммиграционные визы
-Семейная иммиграция
-Визы инвесторов
-Рабочие визы
-Получение гражданства США
- Статус временной защити (TPS)
- Отсрочка депортации для детей подростков и молодых людей, не имеющих гражданства или легального статуса (DACA)
- Ходатайство по устранению условий постоянного проживания на основе брака
Звоните или обращайтесь к нам по электронной почте. Иммиграционные законы действуют одинаково во всех штатах, что позволяет нам оказывать услуги клиентам независимо от их местонахождения.
Schmidt Law, LLC занимается наследственными делами.
-Трасты (доверительное управление имуществом)
Мы говорим с вами на одном языке.
Этот веб сайт является рекламой юридических услуг. Каждое дело уникально, и его исход будет также зависить от специфических обстоятельств. Schmidt Law, LLC не гарантирует конкретных результатов по будущим делам.

Let Schmidt Law, LLC be the solution for your Legal Representation needs. Having an attorney who speaks your language is crucial in obtaining the best and most personalized legal advice. Attorney Schmidt seeks to work through any limitations that might exist as a result of language barriers. She herself grew up in a bilingual household, and she has also been exposed to a third language - Spanish - through her mother, who is now a permanent resident of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Attorney Schmidt will be able to appreciate your unique legal needs and personal situation.
"You're a really good lawyer with all of the best ethical characteristics. If one is also seeking quality and speed, no need to look further, you're the reference point I'd strongly recommend."
"I am Katarina Schmidt's first client and I am so lucky to know her. Katarina takes cases very seriously and will get it done no matter what. Thanks Katarina for everything!"
Get in Touch
Physical Address:
261 W. Johnstown Rd. Suite 117
Gahanna OH United States 43230
Mailing Address:
1255 N. Hamilton Rd. PMB 227 Gahanna OH United States 43230
(614) 599-9562
(614) 417-5066
All materials contained on this website are made available by Schmidt Law, LLC for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Every case is unique, and results depend on the particular circumstances involved. Schmidt Law, LLC cannot guarantee any specific outcomes nor does the legal information contained on this website create an attorney-client relationship. For an individual case analysis, contact the office today.